The Vacuum Cleaner Dummy was something DJ, Chowder and Jenny built and filled with cold medicine and set up to try to put the the house to sleep so they can get inside it without getting eaten, in the 2006 animated horror film, Monster House.
Role in the Film[]
While trying to find a way to get inside the Monster House without getting eaten, DJ suggests they build a dummy that looks like a trick-or-treater and fill it with cold medicine. They then feed the dummy to the house, the house would then eat the medicine, the house would then go to sleep, they kids get in, find the house's heart, put out the fire and get out. Jenny suggests it's worth a shot, so the kids got to work.
Chowder steals some cold medicine from his Dad's Pharmacy to fill the dummy with, and DJ and Jenny build the dummy out of an old vacuum cleaner.
Later, when DJ, Chowder and Jenny sneak in front of Nebbercracker's house, Chowder sets the dummy up. Jenny then uses her slingshot and shots a marble and the house's doorbell waking it up. Chowder then shouts, "Trick-Or-Treat!" and DJ tells him to plug it him. Chowder plugs the vacuum cleaner dummy in and and dummy started moving towards the house. As the house sees the dummy roll towards it, it opens it's door and sticks it's carpet tongue out. The house was about to eat the dummy, but then the police officers Landers and Lister showed up in their police car and it runs over the extension cord, causing the dummy to stop.
Officer Lister then finds the cold medicine inside the vacuum cleaner dummy. Declaring the kids stole the medicine, the two cops then arrest them and lock them in their car. But then the house eats Lister and Landers, as well as their car with the kids inside it, causing them to jump out of it and find themselves inside the house's foyer and seen briefly when the House vomit the Kids and their other stuffs. It is unknown what happened to the dummy afterwards even though it was never eaten or probably crushed when the house became an angry monster that chases Nebbercracker and the kids.