Lister and Landers' Police Car is a vehicle owned by Officer Landers and Officer Lister, the two police men from the 2006 animated horror film, Monster House. It also appears in the Monster House video game.
Role in the Film:[]
Lister and Landers' police car first appears when they first arrived at Nebbercracker's house after the kids called them. DJ, Chowder and Jenny tell the police about the house being a monster, but they didn't believe them and used their car to remove the kids from the property.
Later on, just when the house was about to eat a dummy the kids built and filled with cold medicine to feed to it to try to put it to sleep, Lister and Landers arrive again in their car and it runs over the extension cord making the dummy stop. They then arrest the three kids after Landers finds the stolen medicine inside the dummy and lock them up in their car. But just as the cops were about to get back into their car and take the kids to jail, they heard a strange noise inside the house. Lister and Landers go to investigate as DJ, Chowder and Jenny pounded on the window trying to tell the police to stay away from the house. The house then ate the officers, and then it grabbed the police car with the kids inside it using its hands as the trees. The house chomps the police car in half with its teeth and its front gets thrown down into it's stomach. It then grabs it's back with its carpet tongue and quickly, DJ, Chowder and Jenny jump out before the other half of the car gets thrown down into the stomach. The house then calms down back to sleep as the kids tried to make their way out but it traps them in the foyer.
Other appearances:[]
Video Game[]
At the beginning of the game, DJ, Chowder and Jenny are grabbed by the house in the police car and the house pulls the car in. Inside the foyer, the kids then fall out of the car, just before it gets thrown down into the stomach. It is then seen again later, crashed in the middle of the floor of a room in the basement when DJ contacts Skull on his walkie-talkie and Skull tells DJ he and his friends must kill the Monster House by destroying its heart (furnace).
- The model of the vehicle was based on a 1980 Dodge Diplomat.
- In the trailer for Monster House, the house grabs the vehicle with its tongue and eats it with Lister and Landers inside it. However, this wasn’t shown on the film itself.